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Yamaha P3500S
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kx500man kx500man
Published on 09/15/08 at 02:07
- How long have you use it?
For a long time
- What is so special that you like most and least?
The reliability of all, the system filters, ultra complete connectivity, the silence of FAN and I repeat strength.

Least, a bit heavy but gets worse.
Can be seen to put an LED, to be complete

- Have you tried many other models before buying it?
In so many, from MacMah to QSC PLX

- How would you rate the quality / price?
So I would say this is one of meileur value, it's not just be a QSC plx or Crown, but for the price it is hard to beat.

- With experience, you do again this choice?
Yes, especially for its price and durability.