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Tascam US-428
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Published on 10/31/08 at 16:00
I think if the sliders were automated that would be a great feature , i also wish the mute/solo tracks would have more of a studio feel (i mean click solo, and the track stays solo until you click it again) with the tascam you must hold the solo/mute buttons to make this happen..this can be tedious if your trying to do a few tracks at a time, its also missing a pan option on all 8 tracks that was really disappointing

$375 USD


Set up was a bit hard.. the drivers that came with the piece originally were not compatiable with win XP but updated drivers are available at www.tascam.com you just gotta dig around abit to find em...without the drivers the us-428 is a paperweight its horrible at straight audio routing (but of course its not designed for that either) but after a few sessions with it its a must have.


The name TASCAM speaks for itself the quality of the piece is top notch for what it is..i have even dropped mine (on accident in a studio move) and she still kickin..


The overall sound quality is good EXCEPT that theres is a hollow feedback sound when you use the line/mic inputs it takes a bit of tweaking to get your mic sounding right or what ever you route through 1 of the four 1/4&quot; line/mic inputs. i use a art preamp with a AGK mic and it took a mic setting session to get it set up properly for sound, as far as MIDI goes its top notch the us-428 has midi in/out 1 and 2 which makes it ideal if your controlling a few things.

yup i love it..its the hub of my little studio.

Originally posted on FutureProducers.com
Posted by: SInister_Keys ( 6-, 2005)