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Thread Comments about the feature article: Best of Winter NAMM 2015

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Topic Comments about the feature article: Best of Winter NAMM 2015
Best of Winter NAMM 2015
This Winter NAMM Show 2015 was, in our opinion, an excellent edition. Here are the Top 20 products that most caught our attention in Anaheim.

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I'm a new member, and really like the site, but I was annoyed to see that you included Pro Tools First in your top 20 from NAMM. It seems like b.s. to me. I think Avid is trying to pull a fast one on us. In the video you posted, the Avid guy says that Pro Tools First, the so-called "free version," only lets you have three projects at a time and doesn't let you store anything on your own computer. That isn't much better than a glorified demo. :x: And Pro Tools 12 has no new features other than the cloud collaboration stuff, which most people won't even find a use for, I bet. That's nuts, a new major version with almost nothing new? This all seems like a smoke screen to distract us from the fact that Pro Tools 12 is going to be sold by subscription. That's the scariest thing of all. I am definitely thinking of switching to another DAW and getting as far away from Avid as possible. I'm thinking about Cubase, although I've never used it, but it looks like it has a lot of great things in it. Logic seems good too. Anyone out there have any thoughts about which one is better?
I'm thinking about Cubase, although I've never used it, but it looks like it has a lot of great things in it. Logic seems good too. Anyone out there have any thoughts about which one is better?

I don't think you can go wrong either way. Both Logic and Cubase are excellent programs. They have pretty different workflows, but both bring a lot to the table. Good luck with your decision!