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Thread Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen - Mic crackling on Direct Monitor and Audacity recording

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Topic Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen - Mic crackling on Direct Monitor and Audacity recording
I am using a Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen audio interface connected to a Rode NT1-A. When turning on the Direct Monitor function, a crackling/rattling sound (like helicopter blades but much much quieter) can be heard irrelevant of mic input. Further, when recording audio in Audacity, the crackle is also picked up and recorded.

Thus far I had tried all ports on my desktop and found the issue to persist. Occasionally, touching the housing of the interface or the microphone quietens the crackle, but does not eliminate it. I moved my setup off my desktop onto my laptop, and found the crackle to disappear wholly. When I plugged my laptop in to charge, the crackle came back. The outlet I charged the laptop from is the same outlet my desktop is plugged in to.

Could anyone offer help with this? I've been trying to fix this issue for the last two days, and have yet to resolve the issue.