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Celestion Classic Lead
Celestion Classic Lead

Guitar speaker from Celestion belonging to the Classic series

awks awks
Published on 09/26/07 at 00:12
I discovered this recently, HP and 4 * 12 2 * 12.
Immediatly loved the clarity and precision of sound. Not only is it clear, precise and dynamic, but also it's beautiful. This HP is a marvel too little known. Attention is thought to brilliant solos well, not too trashy for rhythmic metal with heavy bass drooling. For this reason, I suggest to associate with G12T75 such as X on a 4x12 if you want to go into the metal while keeping one hand clapping and very loosed in solos.
I know pretty well the whole range Celestion guitar, with several cabins equipped with various G12 and G10.
For fans of the 70's and crystalline solos, like Made in Japan Deep Purple is the HP gain. Bogner is a cabin with 2xG12T75 2xG12Vintage30 which has become a reference. I suggest a combination 2xG12T75 2xG12Classic Lead with 80, you will see, it's very interesting. Go and listen to demo the Classic Lead 80 Celestion on the site.