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Thread Beat Tag

  • 1 comment
  • 2 participants
Topic Beat Tag

Im new, im Chris 18 years old and i produce now for bout a year beats,

Will somebody be nice and make me a beat tag? (:

for some reasons:

- i cant do it myself (im dutch & no mic)

- ppl dont credit me when they use my beats, so i want to copyright it but its very un professional with a crap tag icon_eek.gif(i like those beat tags they use on soundclick icon_aime.gif just something is was looking for)


If someone want to help me out (: i need a record just saying 'This beat is produced by JR muzik' or something :)

Please no sites with text-to-speech that is crap icon_neutral.gif


Beats of me you can check out at:

here or here


Many thanks! i apreciate it icon_aime.gif

(by the way (mod's) if this was posted in wrong section, feel free to move icon_redface.gif)






[ Post last edited on 09/03/2010 at 16:49:28 ]


I feel you on that. You got to have a tag homie...nobody will give you credit cause your basically giving it away, feel me? There's already a JR tag....with super producer J.R. Rodem. Be sure that its creative. You can check mine out. Whateva you do just stand out bro. Peace





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