TopicPosted on 08/18/2005 at 18:09:41Low volume guitar amp recording- soliciting feedback (sound clips)
Hello all,
Most times I do not have the ability to play at performance volume at home and so I have been experimenting with low volume guitar amp recording - which brings me to the subject of this post. I had an opportunity to test four different mics for low volume recording last night and I was wondering if you guys could give me some feedback.
I used the same guitar (PRS CE24 w/ Seth Lover PU's) through the same amp (Fuchs ODS 50 SLX 1x12 combo w/ Emi Wizard speaker) and the same settings (Guitar: bridge pickup at full volume & tone / Amp: jazz setting, deep switch and mid boost on, OD gain set to 3 o'clock, master low enough to not disturb sleeping family, all other controls at 12 o'clock).
I recorded about 1 minute each with four different microphones (AKG C1000-S small diaphragm condenser, CAD M39 large diaphragm condenser, CAD KBM-412 dynamic kick drum mic, & Shure SM57 dynamic instrument mic) each placed in exactly the same position (positioned just outside the edge of the dust cap, perpendicular to and right up against the grill cloth).
NOTE: I didn't tune my guitar before hand - hope it doesn't offend the ear.
If you have a moment please give a listen and post your thoughts.