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Yamaha NS-10M Studio
Yamaha NS-10M Studio
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Nico53 Nico53
Published on 07/16/08 at 03:13
Barf ... I own it without actually belong to me ... I often use verrrrry but they are not mine ... na!
Already I'm skeptical when the physical qualities of these boxes that have already been detailed previously ...
I use amplified by an old Proton D540 amplifier and I like it a lot.
I used to mix, finally becoming less and less, but unfortunately I had it below the elbow to mix so far ...
2010 edit: I invested in a pair of event TR8 ... even if, ultimately, they have food and drink event in the TR8 suited me well ... not exhausting mix ... Finally ... incomparable to NS10 ... but not as useful: it was a heresy to use Update main listening to the mix ... the NS10 find their place in control ... it is still a very good pair of secondary monitors.


These boxes are sound shit ... clearly ...
but not by listening to fast music in a store for 15 minutes we became aware of the usefulness of these boxes! ;)
it's all magnified the absence of a mix in the medium ... it's impressive ... and terribly practical ... when it sounds in there you can go anywhere, the compromise is made ... it will sound okay everywhere ...
on the other hand, these speakers are exhausting ...
dynamic and precision blah blah ...
a serious rather dubious ... short, it is clear that for these reasons that a pair of box it is interesting but it must have something else to hand it on ...


exhausting listen.
interesting in control, see for where you walk when you work a voice ... it's very convenient ...
after ... I personally would not want my home stereo in pregnant ... it is to say ...