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Thread Greetings from sunny Florida

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Topic Greetings from sunny Florida
I'm Steve Taton. I'm 51 years old. I have played guitar for 33 years and bass for about 1 and a half. I am a singer-songwriter in the Neil Young/Warren Zevon/John Gorka mold and all I have right now to record on is a Fostex XR-3 four-track that records at 3-3/4.
I want to be able to record on my computer and have it sound decent so I don't have to pay anybody to do decent-sounding demos for me. I can handle bass and guitar parts pretty good at this point. I could do drums if I had a seperate track for Bass, snare, hi-hat, etc.
My biggest bugaboo, like many, is getting the vocals to sound professional. My voice isn't my strong point, but I would like to figure out how to have vocals sound the same on tape as they do live. I have tried recording others and the same thing happens with vocals- they lose their intensity and seem to magnify the flaws in the person's voice.
I am probably going to build my own computer in the next two months in our adult ed build your own computer course. I teach guitar in adult ed and have been curious about this class for awhile.
Anyway, what I am looking for is either shareware or relatively inexpensive software that will enable me to record as many tracks side-by side as I want. I would also like to be able to run effects on any track that needs them. For example, I would like to be able to double and triple a single vocal track and try it with different kinds of reverb, chorus, delay, flange, etc and see how they sound. Then, of course, I would decide what to keep on the track.
Anyway, I will be perusing the rest of the site, including the newbie hints. Any feedback on how I can get started inexpensively and get the quality I'm looking for would be great. Right now, what I need the most is digital effects for doing one guitar and vocals for a decent solo acoustic demo.

Steve Taton