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Hartke A100
Hartke A100

Bass Guitar Combo Amp from Hartke belonging to the A Combos series

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jipe.pillone jipe.pillone

«  Excellent buy! »

Published on 06/19/11 at 12:35
Everything was written & rewritten I only mention the three things that made me switch to this model:
- The auxiliary, I connect my computer. to hop combo & I train, I take ...
- The inclined I still enjoyed on stage recently (backspace)
- Equalizer that allows me to tweak the sound right for me low as the songs I play.


Plug and play almost ... while it is already at 0 ... With the set up is still in a tone and very easily, 3 "gives her a satisfactory A90%, I find it very instinctive.
The manual succinct but sufficient does not served me (check the role of connections on the rear panel).
Without pushing it too cracked a slap clear & the sound remains faithful to the volume to 3 / 4 (beyond I do not know because he was connected to a sound system). Fingers is the happiness it reacts well & can qualify attacks (sometimes too much to the average volume). J with a pick can not judge too much because I played too little to give an objective opinion.


It is perfect for blues, rock & jazz or naked with my old roadster 2, I have a wide range of sounds and always sticking to the music played.
Jazzbass with my fretless is a bit less varied: the association aluminum cone & flat nets limit myself mainly to the electric bass (unless I spend time to dig the equalizer) or that I am using a the amps on the Zoom (such as super bass or acoustic). Even with two basses plugged at the same time & 2, 3 adjustments to rebalance the powers it did!


I have 2 years & 1 / 2 and frankly after testing a 100 Rumble, a Galen backline a Peavey TKO 112 & 115 a Berhinger 1800, I have never regretted my purchase (thank you Pascal & Alain Guitar Maniac Nice for their valuable advice).
I made a small financial outlay at the time of purchase & I got what suited me best (except perhaps the limit too much staged for my taste but hey I use very little ) ...
Now I am trying to add a 2x10 with horn acute for better use of its net fretless & dishes (I hesitate to take a Hydrive 210 because I like the versatility Hartke).