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Korg MiniKP
Korg MiniKP

DJ Effect from Korg belonging to the Kaoss Pad series

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Published on 12/13/07 at 14:29
For résumé, it includes 100 effects (99 0). Phasers, delays, chorus, filters, pseudo-pitch shifters, looper type "vinyl", "reverse" or otherwise ... There is something for all tastes.

Level connection, well it remains in the basic, RCA in / out.

Without prtention, the height of my expectations.


Well, nothing to say here eh. We touch, we do mumuse and made noise.


EDIT to 13 December 2007:

The sound quality is worth the price, we'll say. It's fun to play around with but it does better with an XY Controller twelve o'clock and good effects software. In addition, it boosts the signal ds carrment we apply an effect or it decreases the ... This is according to the presets and mood. It amplifies the frquences dsagrables lot anyway.


I use it for two weeks, I love ct "touch'n'play" I had bought for loop "noise" while I change my loops and lives during this time. And finally I use all the weirdest effects. Memory A and B. .. A shame that does not go up to E, at least :-)

EDIT to 13 December 2007:

It's a nice toy. A buy OCCAZ for fun at home, or live but I think the KAOSS PAD 1, 2 and 3 should even be better when ... Anyway finally I do not use it in my config ... Bah, even when it's nice.