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B.corde Elyone 220
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stef74 stef74
Published on 11/02/05 at 10:43
I use it for 18 months looks a bit cheap! Fan Bruille it also produces a hum in the present enough HPs then use in a studio is not permitted! but they are only details and its not why I bought lai but the sound and power and I was not disappointed! he hides his game the guy!
all it does not show is the outside he was inside I am beginner in sound system and I do not have the technical knowledge to express my impression when I use it as if it enmagasinai more energy than it needs and thus out of a high demand for steam power it provides without giving a good stability to the sound and therefore more pleasant to listen the more I find that it has a nice transparency it amplifibien every detail of a piece so short it again no hesitations
the above I have not had the opportunity to hear many other amp sound much less the great name of the sound amplification but for 289 euro 220 watts RMS with its own like that!
notice of a small amateur handyman