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Crown 1400 CSL
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clarissa02 clarissa02

«  The beast of war »

Published on 06/06/10 at 14:16
It is true that the CSL series is the range of "light" BUT always try to find a crest or a QSC has a damping factor of 1000!
This amp has a potato in hell, the bass is great, it is very simple: when you plug this amp, it no longer recognizes his pregnant ...
I have three (460-800-1400) and I've never had a problem, I use them in small sound system parties, fancy fairs, etc. ...
It should be noted, however, sometimes it cools a bit limited, and side vents are not practical, the manufacturer would have had to evacuate the air from the back ... it must be very careful when installing in a rack.
The 460 does not heat up, the 800 heats a little and it is true that the 1400 heats up but it's still okay, at least 8 ohms.
I would not change these amps for anything, the sound is too good ...