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Beta Three RS15
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Audiofanzine FR Audiofanzine FR
Published on 11/22/08 at 10:15
Value For Money : Excellent
(Originally written by oxyque/translated from Audiofanzine FR)

- How long have you been using it?

1 year.

- Which feature do you like the most / the least?

Pros: Coaxial technology producing an homogeneous and accurate sound, ability to be used as a monitor speaker (like in my case), weight, design.
Cons: It's not possible to stack them because of the cabinet design.

- Did you try any other models before buying it?

Yes, some Martin and APG, but they weren't any better.

- How would you rate its value for money?


- Based on your experience, would you buy this product again?

I already ordered more of them.