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Boost MAX 15
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staffmusic11 staffmusic11
Published on 08/25/08 at 14:50
- How long have you use it?
just three months, the occasion of a marriage, I am available for two lively
- What is so special that you like most and least?
+: His power, powered by a 250 KoolSound txa, I did not expect it, I could cover them a room of 300 people
-: Piezzos electric tweeters are awful, it's the only thing I blame these speakers. I intend to do something about very soon replaced with a domestic fabric tweeters, and of course the crossover is a review
- With experience, you do again this choice? ...
Frankly ,....... not! but I regret not (financially speaking).
a small word for all that begins: it is no great speaker, but you will see that over time you will learn to change them, has the entretenirs to get out almost as clean sound that a speaker quality (and expensive) for cheap.