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Danelectro 56-U3
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« Danelectro 56-U3 »

Published on 06/24/01 at 15:00
Bought at Dave's Guitar in La Crosse, WI. Slightly used, $199 w/ case and small practice amp. The case is very ugly, but I needed it badly- it was raining the day I bought my guitar!

I am new to electric guitars, but this one seems very natural for me to play. Has an incredible acoustic quality, I can easily play it with no amp! Neck and fretboard are high quality, smooth on the hands and fingers. Body is hollow, which adds to acoustics. Gotoh tuning system is great, easy to use. Best of all- THREE Lipstick pickups. Yup, 3. And you can choose which ones you want on! Awesome overdrive w. all three. Great guitar, very good deal.

The Danelectro name gets a bad rap- people seem to think that they make cheap guitars. Well, compared to some, yes, they are cheaper. But Martha Stuart says, "It's a good thing." A deal is hard to find these days. So look past the Fenders and the Gibsons and get your butt into the Danelectro aisle!

High quality! Very durable, put together seemlessly, feels very solid and comfortable. Great tone.

Hey, back to Martha- "It's a good thing!" If you love guitars, if you want the vintage sound, if you want a good value on an electric, if you are new to electric guitars... there is an option! I highly regard this guitar, and so should you!

this review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com