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Washburn BillyT
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Published on 02/23/10 at 10:04
Washburn touch has in the mile with this signature Billy T '. For 720 euros, it offers maximum!
The Billy T was the top Maverick series not to be confused with BT 10 model of lesser quality.
Here the quality is at the top:
assembles hand
mahogany body (quite heavy)
table sycamore flammbr /> handle for ultra fast virtuoso
maple binding in around the table and handle
Floyd Rose 500 S
mcaniques Grover
micro Washburn USA 621 and 623 with Di Marzio dvelopp widely Eliminator superiors to the BT10. The output level is standard.
I was lucky because I bought my Billy T in 2000 when the guitar was peaufin its maximum.
When purchasing OCCAZ vrifiez although the guitar is only Billy T sign and team of micro marked 621 and 623, otherwise it is a Bt 10 that sells you ...

I would put 10 because for just 720 euros, it is well worth finishing a Guitar 2000 euros ...


The handle is ideal for playing very quickly, however, as well galb for the blues, it is largely Superior to the handle of my Fender US Standard and especially my Gibson SG, the handle is better finished and more comfortable.
Access to acute super easy.
To use this guitar is made for the Blues, Mtal and rock but also modern jazz with the Tone knob to zero.


Attention, it is better to have a beefy amp because the output level of the microphones is dmentiel! You cruncherez systematically HP 8 "with the volume button background.

The sound of the neck pickup is typically bold Gibson, ringing round and velvety but mostly very strong, the output level is twice my Gibson SG. This is a microphone for blues or rock arrangements.
Saturation sound is hell: what a city flush.
The neck pickup is even more powerful and catchy ideal for solos taping etc ..

Note that the guitar sounds great in a clean channel unlike Jackson without me.

Conccurente the Peavey Wolfgang, I find it better for half the price ...
Note that micro acute in clean oddly recall the "twang" of a telecaster, this powerful ct ...


I have dozens of guitars. 700 euros for this guitar offers a Gibson Les Paul qualities, the sound is virtually identical.
A buy-it would be only for saturations that are truly fabulous!
I've had ten years and it has not always boug as beautiful and powerful with a crazy race!
10/10 widely. Although Superior scratch equipped with EMG 81 and 85.