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Yamaha SLG100NW
Yamaha SLG100NW
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patrice.goyaud patrice.goyaud
Published on 07/18/06 at 14:20
My Silent guitar is the late model 120 NW which has the same characteristics as the 100NW but with the most luxurious finish (ebony, rosewood veneer body, including the most brilliant polish of the handle, I like it less)
The neck is very wide (52mm at Silet head).
When buying the guitar was set rather high, as many are fond of classical guitarists, but I'm not classical guitarist, so I lowered the bridge (4mm at 12th fret for the low E).


The handle is that of a classical guitar: flat, hyper off by touching the strings against a feeling of flexibility very pleasant.
Access to treble is excellent, the guitar is light, well balanced and hold it against either is quite pleasant.
Listening with the supplied headphones produces a good quality, but with a significant deficit in terms of low, making it necessary to increase gain and the result is a dull sound across the audio spectrum, this problem is increased when a branch of the SLG amp.


As expressed above, we get a great sound for crystal clear highs with good sustain, but this pleasure is tempered by a strong deficit in the ability to amplify the low, is it an isolated bp inherent in my instrument or generic ?
For cons, the integrated reverb is excellent.


I use this instrument primarily at night when I want to play at night without disturbing and essentially classical Latin (because without disturbing the rest, I have a Godin Multiac my favorite);
Although this instrument has good ergonomics, a nice touch of strings, my pleasure is tempered by weak bass, but also by the excessive width of the handle for a non-classical guitarist like me. And you can not buy the Model 100N (49mm at nut) because it is no longer, it would look to the occasion. Yet it is this model that I loved.