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< All d&b audiotechnik System C7 reviews
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d&b audiotechnik System C7
d&b audiotechnik System C7
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Rocketroll Rocketroll
Published on 10/28/08 at 06:38
To turn the whole of europe, and therefore have sound on many systems,
I can qu'mettre criticism ngative on systems d & b.

it works, biensr. It's reliable, no problem.
But the price, price! It is not at all what type of speaker.
Given the technology used is really a scam.
C4 and c7 the top remind me systm average range of 15 years ago.
How can we proclaim sound as good as the heil, the APG adamson or poor pregnant with 2 votes using hp B & C or others of the same ilk as compared to high-end products pr cdemment deficits?

Only the B2, I think, is worth its price.

I always say, but tanks and fanatics, so take one day compared with a system that recognized, award gal ...

the hype kills your ears.
for those who plan to work with, or worse to buy, piti compare nexo go ahead with a 6000 CPA or a small Adamson ...
APRS, everyone is free ...
Peace & love