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Gemini DJ CDMP-2600
Gemini DJ CDMP-2600
djkypulse djkypulse

«  a leak! »

Published on 06/01/10 at 04:14
test 2 h and then report to the store.
mediocre product of the component used by reading in blocks (vulgar cd pc that make a noise unbearable)
vibrated, shook ...
the aim is dvissent own, because no aims in sheet metal are wrong.
it does not support USB key more than 2 GB
The remote control is pretty much the function, but the light too bright (a dazzled)
the loading time mp3 or cd is zero.
my double cd AudioPhony 8 years who have done better.

for the same price: you turn to Numark (NSC 450). Tampa usb. any calf, browsing in a USB key with the directory, on a display a line ... it is not viable discomobile. we need a bigger screen.

the RCA audio output does not hold.

Briefly, flee!