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< All Keplinger Drums 14" Black Iron snare reviews
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Keplinger Drums 14" Black Iron snare
Keplinger Drums 14" Black Iron snare
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Jpy_CH Jpy_CH

«  The best we can do! »

Published on 05/24/11 at 08:29
For how long have you been using it?

- 1 week, it does little but she is so awesome that I beg you to this US-Snare Hand-made.

Did you try many other models before getting this one?

- I do a lot of research, I tried an Ayotte 13 "Yamaha Brass 14", a Mapex Black Panther 14 "Yamaha Stage Custom 14" Black Iron Keplinger and 14 ".

What thing do you like most/least about it?

- We must first emphasize that these cases are not clear-distributed in commerce and they are custom made and measures directly in Gregg Keplinger Seattle. The service is already very good, it makes contact with Gregg, we discuss what is desired, the number of fasteners, the diameter, depth, materials.
I chose a Black Iron (2.3mm barrel cast steel), with 8 lifts (Dunnett), circles molded mechanical stamp Trick GS007.
Detail that kills, when I took it out of the box, she was still paid (!), After crossing all the U.S. and the Atlantic.

The snare drum is very heavy, 7.5 kg, because it is a "block of steel." The mechanics of stamps Trick is great, fluid, soft, and once the stamps on top, move!

resonance is not severe, it offers a perfect fluidity of all attacks, without needing to force. The clarity is magnificent attacks.

In short, a pure delight.

- What is your opinion about the value for the price?
- Knowing what you know now, would you make the same choice? ...

It is a snare drum high-end, so he must get out the wallet, the bill came to $ 875 without clearance fees. For the price / quality ratio, it is perfectly the purchase price, and even more.

- With experience, I will do it again, of course, I dreamed about for 2 years, and when it was on his cheek that it's even better!