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Ibanez RG470FM
Ibanez RG470FM

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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« Ibanez RG470 »

Published on 05/24/02 at 15:00
I purchased this guitar new after trying out the lower end RG300 series. Paid $700.00 canadian over 1 year ago.

Locking Tremolo system is nice, never goes out of tune. Pickups are deadly. I run it through a Peavey Bandit and an effects pedal. You can muster up a whole variety of sounds with this axe. From SRV to Santana. Not great for jazz though, I miss my old Sheridian for that fat sound.

Break the high E string, and the whole thing goes out of tune ( a real hassle during a lead break). Changing string gages from 9 to 10 means an hour or more setting up. You have to adjust the spring tension on the trem, and also adjust the trem settings. A bit of a pain,but once set up, it holds the tuning. The Jumbo frets are too soft. Mine are starting to show a lot of wear(Only one year old and I don't play the thing everyday.)

This unit is solid and cool paint scheme (New Copper Penny finish) I really love the neck. A buddy of mine owns the same guitar and told me it's fast. I did not know what he ment , until I bought mine. Fast, slick you name it. ( I actually do play faster on this guitar)

Better fret wire would make this one heck of a guitar.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com