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Ibanez RG470FM
Ibanez RG470FM

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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« Ibanez RG470 »

Published on 12/10/03 at 15:00
I bought the guitar from axemail.com, based in colchester, a great shop to do business with, must be about 5 years old now. I think it was about £400.

I've played it practically every day for the last 5 years, gigged it too, and it still looks amazing, the odd scratch but nothing for the amount of use its had. Its sounds great, plays awesomely, the neck feels great, and I use it for everything from blues and jazz to punk and metal. I absolutely love it, and I'm not sure I'd ever get rid of it.

One problem is that my floyd rose sometimes has problems staying in tune nowadays, and tuning it is a bit of a hassle, but the pro's of a floyd rose outweigh the con's, but I'm looking at getting a tremsetter, so all that should improve anyway. Also, I've thought about changing the pickups for Dimarzio Tone Zone's or PAF Pro's for a fatter sound, but for the money I think it couldn't be better.

Its really built solidly, everything's really tough and the finish (Mine is Jewel Blue) is excellent, and still polishes up really nicely (A bit of Auto Glym Super Resin Car Polish works like a dream!!) The electrics are great, no hum or noise, all in all excellent built quality

An awesome guitar at an awesome price, I don't think you could find better for the money. I've just ordered an Ibanez SZ520QM to have along side it to offer a guitar with more tuning flexibility, and a warmer sound. Can't wait till it arrives!!!!

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com