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Ibanez Roadstar II Series*
Ibanez Roadstar II Series*
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«  Great rodstar »

Published on 12/04/12 at 12:59
Made in Japan, classic vibrato bridge (I do not use it because it disrupts the strings), 22 frets, type strat, 3 single coil pickups, Strat alignment, full settings. It seems that the handle was made for my hand, I love, in all types of games it suits me.


Channel fantastic, playable on all frets, strings are glued to the handle, no comparison with a Squier Strato, the Ibanez is much better, and then it is not a copy Fender, Ibanez but an original. Guitar very balanced and, hence, seems slight. The body is narrower than a strat.


Sounds good period. Excellent workmanship. Live on my Yamaha sound, the sound is not great (just enough), but on a lamp Peavey, I hallucinated (it's on!).


My first guitar (in 1979) was an Ibanez strat copy (black and white, clear sleeve). I loved this guitar. Then I changed to a Gibson, but I've never done round handle Gibson. And since I galérais on each guitar. Became bassist I stopped looking for the guitar of my dreams. Then 2 months ago, waiting in a music store, I see a Ibanez Roadstar II Series black and white (unlike my first scratch), quite dirty. I take her and upon contact with the handle .... I cracked the body's memory ... the handle of my adolescence ... I bought it immediately and I crack it, I love it and with time, I find that it has a very nice shape and original. She took the character. Since I'm envious and I am proud of this guitar. And during my concerts I play a little scratch on my (80% low 20% guitar) and I go out to play U2 and Lou Reed Rhaaaa .... lovely! I do not know what year it is. Y would have someone to give me the year of manufacture? Thank you wholeheartedly.