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Storm PG200
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maitre soda maitre soda
Published on 12/09/05 at 05:44
Ds manufactures a cave in Morocco and means.
21 case.le manufacturer dares to call the bridge virato.
2 tone and 1 volume pot.
the neck is a softer logs you do not find it. (watch out for splinters).


Access to the handle detestable, uncomfortable.
You have to be brave to go to the end of the handle a true expedition c. (roughly one forget the solos.)
is against the weight normal.par comfort is mediocre.
I will not sound it's not worth it.


It should not have any style of music, I play it myself good cyber death black grind dark matal and I don t have resisted the temptation to do away with the battery ellle the last concert. (That was enjoyable.)
I use the drive with one, true monster of the scene and power (15 watts, 50 euros pr 2CH, enough to make a carnage at the Stade de France ratings jony, my idol).
No matter which setting with, we get a sound to s'apparantent vommisement of a rabid cat that passes under a lawnmower.
No I come to prefer a no, they are all rotten.


I have used the two weeks in May so she finished as I said above.
n I love nothing in the trash everything is soft, degeulasse.
I 'bought the guitar sometimes, and that's, I have had the misfortune of not being able to try it.
the ratio q / p is atrocious, it is not human.
I DO NOT THIS CHOICE .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REFF

comments, question, write me on mortovaches@hotmail.fr
believe me, the best time going on with this guitar that is when it is part morceaux.Nel not buy it.