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WHAT IS EXPERTS ACADEMY ELITE ONLINE? I've been teaching Experts Academy as a LIVE seminar for six years, and for the last four years it has sold out time and time again. Experts Academy has traditionally been a 4-day advanced training for authors, speakers, coaches, seminar leaders, and online marketers. It's a deep-dive training event where we teach people how to start from scratch and become the new guru in their industry. I teach the entire program and in the past have brought in elite guests like Tony Robbins, John Gray, David Bach, Debbie Ford, Wayne Dyer, Frank Kern, Jeff Walker and other big name gurus to reveal their secrets. Because we keep selling out the live Experts Academy event we know there is a huge demand to access the information from home and online at a lower price. That's why I created Experts Academy Elite Online. My story is probably a lot like your story and the story of your customers. It’s a story of wondering, "How do I get my message out to the world in a big way?" And over the last seven years, I’ve figured out how to do that… through writing, speaking, seminars, coaching/masterminds, and online marketing. I started from nothing and went from bankruptcy to earning over $4,000,000 in my first 24 months in the "experts industry" offering my how-to information and advice. These days, I'm doing $10,000,000 in 12 months. Whitehat Copycat Overview - What Are Copycat Sites?