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Gibson GB 440

All user reviews for the Gibson GB 440

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  • fhebertfhebert

    Trs rare, a single stack Gibson in France

    Gibson GB 440Published on 11/20/11 at 09:54
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    3 amp coprs
    Head has 400W transistor
    A baffle 410
    A cabinet with a big 15 HP


    Rptition and concert
    No manual, but trs intuitive, all sounds sound great, very round at the trs mtallique
    Trs equalizer is effective, as the compressor


    All sounds are top, with active or passive basses


    TRS is a good product, there are very good sounds very easy, plus it has a great look.

    APRS almost 15 years of good and loyal service, I am malheuresment Gibson Spar my stack, which is unique in France, trs t have little import copy.
    I purchased a one REPRESENTATIVES era of silent bassist Gafarel which is a steal, it works well trs.
    Read more
    3 amp coprs
    Head has 400W transistor
    A baffle 410
    A cabinet with a big 15 HP


    Rptition and concert
    No manual, but trs intuitive, all sounds sound great, very round at the trs mtallique
    Trs equalizer is effective, as the compressor


    All sounds are top, with active or passive basses


    TRS is a good product, there are very good sounds very easy, plus it has a great look.

    APRS almost 15 years of good and loyal service, I am malheuresment Gibson Spar my stack, which is unique in France, trs t have little import copy.
    I purchased a one REPRESENTATIVES era of silent bassist Gafarel which is a steal, it works well trs.
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