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All user reviews for the Musicrun Editions Musicrun (magazine mensuel)

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67 %
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Audience: Beginners
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  • jemaljemal

    Musicrun Editions Musicrun (magazine mensuel)Published on 05/21/05 at 21:06
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    The number 1 to number 18 and nothing.
    It may not be the first to leave the booth, but already I miss him.
    And ...
  • ChocChoc

    Musicrun Editions Musicrun (magazine mensuel)Published on 06/20/05 at 08:15
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Arg, subjectively the best mag zik (well the only one I find really interesting) ...

    I would put 10 because it was well worth the ...
  • raoulishraoulish

    Musicrun Editions Musicrun (magazine mensuel)Published on 09/23/05 at 12:20
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Super mga shame they could not continue!
    Lots of tutorials, tests trs complete an educational magazine enough for beginners and I think enough information was provided to a wide range of maoistetes.
    I think ts Keybord Recording is in the field of public ...
    Excellent fire magazine; me his peace.