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Apex Electronics ADP1

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  • OliviercoolOliviercool

    Apex Electronics ADP1Published on 12/29/05 at 13:14
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    It is a small passive direct bobot mono analog technology. Connections: 1 between TRS, TRS jack output for a guitar or bass amp when connected to an electric guitar or bass and invites XLR output. Rglages possible: sensitivity 0, -20 or -40 dB + dviation mass.


    There is no easier for those who can use it! And it is even supplied with an explanatory leaflet in French!

    Good attention. Like all the beasts of direct passive (that is - that operates without electrical power), there is a diffrence with botes sacr active (that is - being fed by batteries and / or phantom power). The botes passive XLR to produce a signal 20 dB lower than the active, even with the rgl attnua…
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    It is a small passive direct bobot mono analog technology. Connections: 1 between TRS, TRS jack output for a guitar or bass amp when connected to an electric guitar or bass and invites XLR output. Rglages possible: sensitivity 0, -20 or -40 dB + dviation mass.


    There is no easier for those who can use it! And it is even supplied with an explanatory leaflet in French!

    Good attention. Like all the beasts of direct passive (that is - that operates without electrical power), there is a diffrence with botes sacr active (that is - being fed by batteries and / or phantom power). The botes passive XLR to produce a signal 20 dB lower than the active, even with the rgl attnuateur to 0 dB. They thus produce more breath. And again, impossible to use on mixers 'line' (that is - ie without pramplis microphones - like the Behringer RX1602, for example)

    This dpend So what is actually with. I, for example, I design a pair of ADP1 on scne a percussionist playing a Roland HPD-15 HandSonic s'clate and who tends to play really hard on it. Thanks to the fact that the Apex attnue dj -20 dB, I have greater flexibility to the attnuer, in gains on the table mix. Well, it is true that virtually all the beasts of direct active attnuateur are going at least up to -20 dB, but knowing that this increases the breath, I never used to activate and Once started the live (I did not always have time to rgler these dtails), it is possible to interrupt rgler for the DI ... ^ ^

    I currently have the equivalent of 29 channels of live beasts and this pair of ADP1 is the only one I have in liabilities. Indeed, I prfre better thanks botes active compensation (20 dB) that it brings, no comment ... ^ ^


    So I am the tonn. I tried one with a BSS AR116 (which is -20 dB RULES, of course - compare like with like ^ ^), I expected to find more on the breath Apex for the price I paid (only 95 CHF - Euro 61.30 - / phr). Bein not breath the same for 2! :-))) And again, no change of tone color, nothing, I am sci ^ ^


    I just buy one pair (October 2005) and I just tested (we will also see the field) but I must say that for that price is not bad at all. The closest competitor I know is the Whirlwind IMP 2, it is 128 CHF / piece (approx. EUR 82.60): it is more CHRE but has no attnuateur. I know what makes a dual-channel (Stereo) in the same bote, always in the passive, the Whirlwind PCDI has input connectors and link to cinch, but CHRE is: 368 CHF (237.40 euros)! At this price, buy as many Apex 2 + 4 = RCA adapters> jack, a cheaper ... ^ ^


    Accessible all budgets (even the musicians who s'achtent keyboards 4000 CHF ^ ^)

    No problem of flat batteries

    Good quality for a passive

    Its inconveinients:

    Attnuation -20 dB to 0 dB even RULES: Making it even when-... RULES of -20 dB, so that is -40 dB and -40, this is actually -60 dB ...

    And that's it ^ ^

    Also available phantom power only (without batteries, watch out!): Apex ADA1.
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