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< All Behringer Tweakalizer DFX69 reviews
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Behringer Tweakalizer DFX69
Behringer Tweakalizer DFX69
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djblackbay djblackbay
Published on 01/09/08 at 07:48
As effects, there is delay (not bad), an adjustable filter (though good) and an adjustable flanger (not bad)

A sampler of 16 sec (????) is inside but it's not too rglo on beats, so watch out!


It's hard enough to take over at beginners, but APRS rolls ...

The manual is very well and is in French xD


The effects are generally not bad, but lack a bit of finesse and quality.
Caution, do not bleach product of 1500 W! pk has a little crochote!


I use it for 6 months. I think it's good for beginners and Madl small budjets. it is a bit kitsch but it is effective and is trs pro with his Lumire tt! I still use it now with a alesis NanoVerb, c perfect.

What I blame him 100% c plastoc the quality, even the buttons or the chrome starts from ... Without power supply, the bte does (that) 300 grams ...

However good for beginners and petis budjets