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Martin & Co DX-1
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kravatorf kravatorf
Published on 07/07/04 at 01:09
An entry-level dreadnought home martin (600 at the entry level martin;)) ... advises careful reading

prt little while to dplaire:
back and Clis in "Mahogany Pattern HPL Textured" (something terrible but "made the job")
Rust Stratabond handle (used for ages to make a weapon fire sticks ...)
button and bridge Black Micarta (Contents synthetic often used instead of bne)
against a beautiful table by massive ... but in two parts

trs simple finish (no frills table "Hand Rubbed Finish", no scratches on the varnish) and done everything irrprochable (handle nickel corner of the table "soften" the hair shaft junction Corp. .. .)
impeccable accuracy
handle "sweetened V" (Modified Low Oval ki z'appellent a) priori weird but enjoyable and comfortable use, trs fret button rather thin and flat, all well suited to a game " Corones inside "who allows himself acrobatic positions and p'tites top speeds look like much. and not tiring and more

7 for a good finish


Dreadnought is a rather good balance without cutaway ... ergonomics so normal.

the handle was surprised at first, but I feel comfortable. prdispos say it is not a traditional position with the thumb right in the middle of the handle (it works even when) ... but in the back just the handle fits comfortably in the hand, the thumb can easily go over for hooping a string or two. IDAL use for a game well "tough" (note: I have rather small mimine)
key, rather flat and thin frets and low authorizes any follies (like highway mimine) both agree that a solo game with a finger or mdiator

thing is, this guitar is the trs sensible fawn which she is playing. it is rather demanding and requires a set prcis, a good command of the attack string, and reasonably mimine muscle (I would not learn to AIM barr an agreement on this and scratching ... if you do jou as electrical cords fawn with spaghetti overcooked, there will be an adjustment period) and a bit of work to get a game well fluid. So when did plop ...

cot style, it is versatile enough rvle a real plus for the blues (and its directory with a set "raw") Celtic music (the subtle harmonies are highlighted) and the "fire camp "(a good walk)

are better but more expensive ... is a favorite;)


1) a big diffrence MODEL another: three try, a sentence correctly, but a lot more and a really good (I took the third .... me;)))
==> Test necessary and qute the "good numro"

2) for the one I took (the best of three so) your exact is really good. Sound good balance, depth, brilliance, mdiums of "full" and prcis ... sounding "wood" (tonnnniffffiant saw the little wood used in the scratch;)), sensitive attack. mdium and the bass is really good .. the upper register (above the box 9) is slightly below (especially solo), but remains fully usable. projection is a little weak.

there's more ... but with three times more scratch Chres ... I bluffbr />
3) the scratches are a lot of trs sensible thing:
- To play well on what is a quality I think. the sudden she does not forgive much and is not flattering for round two of this view.
- The strings .... Martin SP + with top light is ... thing with aut ... blah blah
- Mdiator used to (my prfrs scratches with this: on the jazz andrea pro 551 1.14, .96 mm dunlop gator United States and my classic Jim Dunlop Jazz III MODEL former jazztone208 our ... days)
- The holding of the guitar (if you like it too and you rev ​​the greenhouses strong against the clump you toua the poor)


For me a good trs scratched with a great price quality ratio ... but we must find the "right to numro has!

idalie out and about (it is solid and if I break I will not a disease), fun to play by the fireside, or to compose an intimate concert

in registration and in good condition, made his brilliant and balanced and its ability "rvler" the game gives good guitarist rsultats

I did not really expect to be as satisfied with a guitar with such CHARACTERISTICS (see above) but ultimately the one cot for me ... there are better but much more expensive ... trs for others I've tried ... it's okay ===> try looking for the "good numro"