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Seagull S6 Original
Seagull S6 Original
Howiegeo Howiegeo
Published on 02/05/09 at 08:22
The Seagull S6 is the entry level dreadnought guitar by Canadian maker Godin (who also produces Simon & Patrick and Art & Lutherie lines).
At $300-400 it is an amazing value exceeding guitars two or even three times the price.

The top is one piece cedar, sides are laminated cherry, while the neck is silver maple and fretboard rosewood. Cosmetic appearance is somewhat economized but not sound quality. I call it simple elegance.


The neck is true with low action and perfect intonation. No problems with the tuners even after eight years. The nut and bridge give good sustain and volume. It feels alive, sounds warm yet bright and makes you want to keep playing, due to that certain quality usually just found in expensive guitars. It is very sweet at low volume finger style, but plenty of volume when played hard.


My eight year old model’s tone has improved with age and is often
envied by other players. I’ve played high end $1500 guitars but I would have trouble exchanging my S6. This one is all I use for gigs and intensive practice. It has been around the world with me.

I think a lot is down to the one piece cedar top, giving good tone and volume. I personally like the un-lacquered finish and believe it increases the sound, though it does mark easily due to cedar’s soft nature.


Besides scratches and dings, pick wear has worn considerable marks. But I actually like its “well used” appearance as it give character and uniqueness.

My only gripe is the with the pickup. The fitted Baggs Ribbon transducer sounds excellent but lacks tone and volume controls which are quite essential for live performance. It also feeds back on the low end when left plugged in and un-played. The other upgrade I would like is a cutaway neck…

S6 certainly can’t be surpassed for its price and comes highly recommended.