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G&L Tribute L-2000 Standard
G&L Tribute L-2000 Standard

4-string bass guitar from G&L belonging to the Tribute L series

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mominette69 mominette69
Published on 11/09/06 at 12:11
All been said ...


It's the bomb ... With this bass you get to everything and very easy ... The handle is a little off but what a pleasure to play with this beast.


It THEEEEEEE SONNNNNNN. You can have all the sounds you want. I play punk rock and I can spend with his grain MusicMan's so special and aggressive in his FENDER well rounded and accurate. The bass is énormissimes and extremely clean, it's not drooling. The treble is crystal-clear, it is clear, precise. Mediums, no complaints. I use this bass on a Behringer amp head (for now) and already it sounds really good even if the behringer. on the other hand I tried this bass on the Ashdown and there it's very heavy (Besides my future purchase will be a head amp ASHDOWN).


It's been a week I use and I have no complaints. I love this bass. I am extremely demanding in terms of sound but now I can say that for the price (in € 600) is really perfect. I really regret not my money, I like this bass ... It has power to spare and I love her look simple but effective.
For the last word, go faster you buy is the bomb