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Storm PB100
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Thierrysrl Thierrysrl

«  Excellent value for money »

Published on 08/17/11 at 10:29
Value For Money : Excellent
Everything has been said by previous speakers.


The handle is perfect for me.

The strings are very close to the handle and it does not frieze.

I can not find it slumps.

One complaint: the mechanics a bit steep. The upside is that once granted it is not moving:)


The sound is good and accurate. I tried and possessed of much more expensive basses and I did not like much. I installed a micro Shadow brings a plus, but the sound was well with the original.

Live no problem whatever the amp (Behringer 60 W and 150 W Warwick). The sound is a matter of adjustment and after are the fingers do the rest.

I play everything with this bass: jazz, reggae, pop, rock, blues, funk ... any how. I am never disappointed!


I've had two or three years I do not remember exactly.

What I like most: the sound and comfort.

A change in the future: the mechanics, but it is not urgent and I will not do it if ever ...

Perhaps I have come down on a good horse. In any case I recommend it. Like all instruments, especially in low-end, in many in-store test.

I would do this choice? Given the sound for the price, without hesitation. My high rating is due to this factor his / satisfaction / price.