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Storm PB100
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asseoa asseoa
Published on 12/19/08 at 01:39
- Lower Chinese. For that price, do not dream!
- Manufacturing without great fault.
- Beautiful wood finish.


I do not use it daily, but it is fun to play, because of its lightness on the one hand (see other reviews) and also its simplicity.

I actually mean is that given the range and price, you can break it without too scared to make a scratch etc ... as a low to € 600 ...
(Especially given the size of the handle, attention to U-turns on itself!)

It all depends on your use!


For me as a beginner bass player, it suits me perfectly in tone, but again, it is the entry level ...

No buzz and the pots do not spit.

Its rather low for a passive dynamic! Slap easy to very good record!


Overall opinion: it depends on what you need.

My opinion: If like me you're a guitarist and want to touch a bit on bass, this one is perfect, and more on a budget!

Perfect for beginners in general.

80 € OCCAZ.