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Artec ADL-2 Analog Delay
Artec ADL-2 Analog Delay
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youlhann youlhann

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Published on 07/04/12 at 06:26
Presented as analog delay.


Nothing too strenuous, Time, Repeat, Tone, Level (= Mix).


I will fill this section because I exchanged the delay seen that this model has a big problem for me.
I have plugged in and very quickly noticed a disgusting saturation on 1 or 2 first rehearsals when I was attacking the strings a bit much (not like a lumberjack either eh!).
The problem was there live and in the effects loop, with two different copies of the pedal, using a battery or external power supply, with two different amps, ...
I do not know if this is normal, or if it came from my installation but anyway it was just unbearable and unacceptable, so I abandoned this purpose.
Note that when the effects loop, activation of the pedal generates a "boost" the volume if I remember correctly.


I used it a few days, have exchanged against another copy of the same pedal and noting that this was a recurring problem have exchanged against another delay (which does not suit me either but who cares!).