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Audiophony Polish 10 T

All user reviews for the Audiophony Polish 10 T

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  • trialbentrialben

    Audiophony Polish 10 TPublished on 06/09/06 at 01:28
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    6 months of use and no problem. It's the same flight that the TSB 10 DJ aluminum. Super functional. The holes for the son are well placed, and caches can not leave the hole open even if you want to spend one or two son.
  • DjloziksDjloziks

    Audiophony Polish 10 TPublished on 11/24/07 at 03:06
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    _I Just what reevoir flycase APRS m'tre time information on which is best for me (for rgy turntables with S-450 and DXM09 Axis9 +)
    _In A flycase 89 (price at which I bought), I find that has plutt pro!
    _I Did not tried before because I was watching what flycase be best for the dimensions of my rgy and this is the one who always came back.
    _The Report qualitprix trs is correct!
    _Donc So I redo this choice ;-)
    Read more
    _I Just what reevoir flycase APRS m'tre time information on which is best for me (for rgy turntables with S-450 and DXM09 Axis9 +)
    _In A flycase 89 (price at which I bought), I find that has plutt pro!
    _I Did not tried before because I was watching what flycase be best for the dimensions of my rgy and this is the one who always came back.
    _The Report qualitprix trs is correct!
    _Donc So I redo this choice ;-)
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  • djludo34djludo34

    practical and functional

    Audiophony Polish 10 TPublished on 06/29/11 at 10:31
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    For my part I had the idea to adapt this to put my fly VCI300 + table mix + maximizer and agree that wiring
    c is top
    j can have a change of the c parroies but is really top and convenient
    the very fact pro
    after several evenings he took blows to the body but it is his alter niquel