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Gibson ES-335 Dot
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Berzin Berzin
Published on 06/05/06 at 01:21
The ES 335 is a dot semi hollow body guitar stocky, Set Mahogany neck, rosewood and affects two '57 Classic humbuckers. The CONTRL are: two volume, two tone, three-position selector one. The name comes from the dot back in touch point. The Saddle used for the table, wicker covers the back and reveals beautiful veins of trs. There is a floral decor on the head.


The handle is of type 60 is - to say today. His profile does not Drout musicians who have not lhabitude profiles pais style "59 rounded LP". Access in acute trs is good, much better than a Les Paul. Usage is simple, it's Tone RULES volume is chosen on the mic and the sound was. The weight is relatively large, but still correct. Attention to small jigs, the box is quite bulky though shallow. I also make two criticisms. First, for over a year, each time I played, my fingers sticky taient right. It seems that it comes from the varnish must be "done". This is rather pnible adhre for the hand to the handle. But there are more serious. APRS year and a half, the hardware has been oxidized. Even in the cleaner, impossible to recover the former glory. I t surprised because I have a Les Paul for ten years and have never experienced this problem, although the hardware is identical. The dealer told me it vennait of quality steels utiliss which is not always the best. I find it unacceptable to buy an instrument Euro 3500 and his microphone, his easel, his mcaniques ... oxidized in two years. Guitars ten times less Chres do not have this problem. J'espre that this is a particularity of my copy. For this reason, I put a lower rating. What is accepted on a guitar entry does not accept himself an instrument of lite. Mr. Gibson sometimes shows a certain ddain the care of clients, which are unheard of dboursent to afford its products.


The sound is warm and not trs dnu a point agressivit. The sustain is excellent. Basically, the sound is that of a Les Paul, but with more depth, more bass and a tendency to lgre feedback. I plugged this guitar on a variety of amps: Fender Cyber ​​Deluxe, Vox AC 30, Marchall JCM 900, Garen trmolo 60s. For blues, rock, jazz and even (due to a case too shallow, not worth a one ES 175), the sound is perfect for solos. In rhythm, given the richness of sound, it will avoid overloading the guitar parts, under penalty of indigestion.


I have this guitar since 2003. It offers an alternative INTERESTED my Les Paul because it is more comfortable, even if I find that the sound may be too close. There remains the problem of the price, which I think is far from being justified. Honnte a manufacturer could make a decent living selling this kind of guitar 2000 euros. However, it rated almost 3300 euros ... chrechez error. In popular language is called a "foutage of mouth".
Ps: same 2000 euros, the Occide the hardware is not excusable.