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B.C. Rich Bronze Warlock
B.C. Rich Bronze Warlock

Other Shape Guitar from B.C. Rich belonging to the Warlock series

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MGR/Chris Ball MGR/Chris Ball

« B.C. Rich Bronze Series Warlock »

Published on 06/11/02 at 15:00
Bought this peice of crap at the Guitar Center for $149. I was originally gonna get an Ibanez but this was cheaper and it sounded ok on the amps there($1000 amps).

hmmm...well I like the look. It has that gothic look to it with the shape. Mine is black and it looks ok except you gotta clean it more 'cause its black and the smallest smudge ruins it.

Well to start off...it is boring...1 volume knob, 1 tone knob, and a 3 way switch. No wammy bar or anything. Thats on the expensive Warlocks. Also if your not gonna play heavy metal this ain't the guitar for you. It's great for Slayer and Slipknot(lol) but if you wanna play chords, blues or anything clean u might as well buy a wallmart guitar. Also one last thing is that the humbucker by the neck keeps falling inward constantly. It'll be a cold day in hell before I pay to fix this damn thing.

It's pretty strong I guess. I haven't been banging people over the head with it so I don't know if it's durable or not. The metal knobs are pretty durable I guess.

If your a begginer who likes heavy f***ing metal then get this but if your taking lessons or learning chords, blues, and clean sh** then go get an Ibanez for gods sake.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com