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Gallan F38H

Gallan F38H

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(1 reviews)
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Gallan F38HPublished on 03/29/07 at 18:54
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
I have a guitar Gallan MJ 200, which is a Japanese copy (clearly 70 years, although nothing would allow me to say for sure except that I was very attentive to the guitar at that time) copy Japanese thus, very faithful in appearance, the famous super jumbo Gibson J 200. I bought this guitar on a Broque for a price that everyone would fade in rather poor presentation. Once cleaned, adjusted and equipped with new ropes, she started to sound like it's unbelievable, with a low volume, yes, but a surprising warmth and a balance. Playing comfort to bite them elbows, rock solid. This is my road guitar. She does not fear anyone or anything and I do not separate them for anything. Watch out, good...…
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I have a guitar Gallan MJ 200, which is a Japanese copy (clearly 70 years, although nothing would allow me to say for sure except that I was very attentive to the guitar at that time) copy Japanese thus, very faithful in appearance, the famous super jumbo Gibson J 200. I bought this guitar on a Broque for a price that everyone would fade in rather poor presentation. Once cleaned, adjusted and equipped with new ropes, she started to sound like it's unbelievable, with a low volume, yes, but a surprising warmth and a balance. Playing comfort to bite them elbows, rock solid. This is my road guitar. She does not fear anyone or anything and I do not separate them for anything. Watch out, good Japanese of 70 years are rare and are not sub-brands as prestigious as they are able to offer you the same thing.
A word ...


Handle more than pleasant, jumbo box that can be embarrassing for the dwarves but still good ergonomics, the deep contours of the body put the low on the knee and the butt of the body fits well under the right arm.


7 because of low volume. Ideal for singers little voice ...


Used since this afternoon.
Value / price: 150 000 if it existed.
It's not a choice, it is a gift of life. Thank you.
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Gallan
  • Model: F38H
  • Category: Other Steel String Guitars
  • Added in our database on: 06/07/2006

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Other categories in Steel String Guitars

Other names: f 38h, f38 h