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Asus G1
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Published on 08/24/08 at 02:31
Value For Money : Poor

J have this laptop for 1 year,
> What I love most? ... Nothing special, it runs very well.
> The least: that despite a high price on ale still entitled to a hard drive 5400tr
- The keyboard that does not confidence level soliditee
- The transition from Vista to XP that my private (SO FAR) ethernet port

j already had an older model with XP, which I determined to take one (I precise that I had a time constraint ... otherwise would have taken a keynux j))

report quality / price not super al .... 1600 euros epoque: s

if I had to redo this choice? No, I will go home keynux a condition to have the time .. that I had not al epoque

despite this is a great portable c