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Yamaha Stagepas 300
Yamaha Stagepas 300
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patrick.m patrick.m
Published on 07/09/12 at 08:55
I have for several years and I used a guitar amp for a pod + x 3 + a rocktron intellipitch live, all in stereo and it's heaven because I put them on stands tilted 45 ° to a left, one right there ... and it bathes!
Beware of the too powerful low hp 8 "are not made to collect the large sweet keyboard or bass (that's why I put 9).
For cons, I never tried to sound in a group with (it seems a little "just").
I put all these people in a suitcase on wheels (stagepass, pod, rocktron, extension cables, etc. ...) my guitar in the back and stands in my other hand and I have a set of 300w stereo hyper- Mobile ... It is not life beautiful?? ...