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Yamaha Stagepas 300
Yamaha Stagepas 300
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schmoeugre schmoeugre
Published on 01/14/09 at 12:59
Here I can from a 1 month and I am satisfied with TRS I am a young 17 years old who wanted a small sound system has a price in my way as I am in court again, the sound are of very good qualityamaha) may be a little lack of bass on the sound if I go on the top are really really clean trs there nothing to say for the price of the finish also hides her own trs. for the storage place are sufficient to add 2cable and j have a pocket for the tip and there is room inconvnient the only season that the speaker cable does not sews her and saw that the input jack on the the table folds and mixes only tt I trs maniac and I can not find it so much am bending here are the two cable can cost has prs 40th 50th for good quality really veiled advised I j'coute hardcore, jumpstyle, hardtek so veiled advised