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Gibson SG Classic
Gibson SG Classic

SG-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the SG series

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Berzin Berzin
Published on 07/07/08 at 13:21
The SG Classic, far from being an entry-MODEL is a really good Gibson. If dlaisse Habitual trapze affects the Standard, it keeps the thread around the neck. Otherwise, as the traditional: mahogany and rosewood, and especially two P90. It is hlas! Book by tui flexible. The former mcaniques are fragile, I had to change them, APRS that one of them me lch. The potentiomtres are like "vintage".
Otherwise, the finish is good trs. Mine dates from 2000.


The handle is fine. The balance is average. Like all SG, it takes a bit of the ct of the head. But as it is trslgre ... No problem. Access in acute is excellent. It is prfrable to put clips of security.


The sound is superb. Hello clean sounds jazzy and bluesy, trs hot and banging as required by equation Mahogany P90 +! A rgal. For crunch, it's Gibson: fat mdium wish. It offers some versatility, from jazz to rock, to blues. If you go up really gain a sound, but not in this that I prfre rle. My LP sounds better in this area. The output level of the microphones is not ridiculous. In a typical Marshall amp (Bogner for my part) is fabulous. The P90 is modulated by the game trs


I possde this guitar for almost a year. I wanted a Gibson P90, I have found to OCCAZ, I cracked. It is a pity, moreover, that this brand of guitar Submitted not more mid-range P90. Gnralement there are only the entry level (BFG or Faded) or premium (Jazz and Custom Shop).
I like this guitar, it offers sound ergonomics with Gibson more pleasant than the LP. She is charming and what a sound! Damage to the tui flexible, but ...