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Cort X-2
Cort X-2

STC-Shaped Guitar from Cort belonging to the X series

padorian padorian
Published on 10/03/03 at 12:17
This guitar is made Indonsie. But this does not prevent it is a good quality trs.
24 frets. 3 microphone positions for slecteur (severe, medium, aige). It has an excellent record of serious and Aiges for distortions.


The handle is quite enjoyable, and we can move fairly quickly from the grave aige carefree bonding.
If not its form is terrible! Trs aggressive forms facilitate games scnes a little "sport"!
But his biggest asset is the sound that is simply a standard for guitar this price! I use it mainly for its trs his grave, passing both a 20 watt amp a 100 watt


It allows to play most serious pieces such as korn, deftones, system of a down ...
But it also makes good saturation of TRS in Aiges with a powerful distortion trs (nirvana ...).
I test with the wah, the (large) distortion and tremolo. Nothing to say!


I use it for about 4 months. No problem since, except may be the rglages volume and tone that is dessert, but nothing serious. At this price I think it would be the bte hsiter of its purchase, especially little guitar offers an unparalleled price equivalent! Beautiful!