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< All Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH reviews
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Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH
Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH

STC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Limited Edition Stratocaster series

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MGR/Daniel MGR/Daniel

« Squier Standard Stratocaster »

Published on 02/02/02 at 15:00
I boought this unit for about 175.00 at Musicians friend. I bought thi modle cause it was in my price range.

I like the fell of the neck, it is fast. The pckups are very good for the price. This would be a grate guitar for starters.

The only things I dont like is how the neck feels a littel weak and it seems to go out of tune more then a regualr Fender strat.

This isa qulity unit and is more then perfect for a youger player or a begginer.
It is great to learn on because of it low ation and its playability.

If your are loking for a starter guitar and do not want to pay a lot of money this is agreat guitar for you.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com