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< All Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH reviews
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Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH
Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH

STC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Limited Edition Stratocaster series

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« Fender Standard Stratocaster »

Published on 11/29/02 at 15:00
I began plying guitar back when i was about seven years old but gave it up due to living in the country and no time for lessons and now 35 yrs later the desire was still there so i finally purchased a Fender stratocaster at Muncie Music shop for $375 and have been enjoying it ever since

The fender strat is just excellent all around the craftsmanship the individual components are superb the sound is very comparable to the legendary strats of the 50's and 60's and the overall feel of the guitar is something that you can't get in any other guitar

well i can't think of anything I don't like about the unit other than everyone wants to barrow it and thats a NO

I've explained the construction and how I feel about it but one thing that I did not mention is its beauty the inlays the deep enamal paint is a work of art something to be proud of for years to come

when you purchase a guitar you want something that feels good in your hands there are cheaper guitars on the market but they are the ones that are stored under beds people that buy those are not as proud of them, The Fender strats are art they are out displayed and played

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com