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G&L Skyhawk

G&L Skyhawk

STC-Shaped Guitar from G&L belonging to the USA series

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MGR/You Know who this is.MGR/You Know who this is.

G and L Skyhawk

G&L SkyhawkPublished on 05/27/03 at 15:00
Bought new in 1985 for $800 in Minneapolis Minnesota.

This guitar will out play, outrun , and outlast any Stratocaster. The pickups are individual pole adjustable for the custom sound of any player. The tremolo has a push in bar that stays in place until you want to swing it out of the way ( no more "threading" the Strat bar in until it strips out) the folcrum is perfect. The tone is truly versatile. Clean or heavy it does it all. This is the guitar that Leo Fender made when he had the chance to get back to designing and building guitars without the 'numbercrunchers' looking over his shoulder. Don't forget the metal instead of plastic and the heavy-duty feel of this model. This is the...…
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Bought new in 1985 for $800 in Minneapolis Minnesota.

This guitar will out play, outrun , and outlast any Stratocaster. The pickups are individual pole adjustable for the custom sound of any player. The tremolo has a push in bar that stays in place until you want to swing it out of the way ( no more "threading" the Strat bar in until it strips out) the folcrum is perfect. The tone is truly versatile. Clean or heavy it does it all. This is the guitar that Leo Fender made when he had the chance to get back to designing and building guitars without the 'numbercrunchers' looking over his shoulder. Don't forget the metal instead of plastic and the heavy-duty feel of this model. This is the one he made before the suits took away control and made it a business again.


Perfect paint and metal access covers instead of plastic. The tuners stay in tune.

If you can still find a '84 or '85 Skyhawk .......... buy it. Then you can take your Strat to the store and sell it or trade it in.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: G&L
  • Model: Skyhawk
  • Series: USA
  • Category: STC-Shaped Guitars
  • Added in our database on: 02/15/2005

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Other categories in Solid Body Electric Guitars

Other names: skyhawk