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Fender Special Edition Lite Ash Telecaster
Fender Special Edition Lite Ash Telecaster

TLC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Telecaster series

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juice juice
Published on 12/21/04 at 10:03
Value For Money : Excellent
Great benefits for the "T Corenne".
I will not r-taler CHARACTERISTICS because all the t adj said.
on the other hand, there is a BIG Difference A model of the other.
I had dj remark on the Start 'in the same SERIES (Lite ash), and it is also true of the MODEL.
Mine does not have the problem of "Cris58" for finishing the race.
It is simply beautiful, from head to foot ...
There are just some imperfections in the wood on the body some places (rare), but the price is nothing.


The handle is "vintage" C-section, you feel immediately comfortable and more enjoyable it is great to the touch (varnish satin top).
Rglages issues, it's true it's pretty limited view of the three bridges that are double Mountains. It smells, once again, the vintage. But hey, it happens to have a guitar relatively accurate, with a little time.
In terms of microphone positions, they are 3 in number respectively: sleeve, neck and bridge, bridge. Not need more out of good Blues-rock sound.
Volume and Tone are complter the table.


It is clear that void, it sounds fabulous.
And when a ring blank, normally ...
Well, there again, it does. It is of course typical as his is sharp and acute mdium load, but it's good. A, sr out of the mix. The Seymour Luter associates that work wonders.
It does not suit all styles (this is the least we can say) but ...., p. rang.
Mention specially the neck pickup (ATPR-1), plutt "soft", which allows arpges beautiful.
on the other hand, microphones requires simple, snoring has all the cots!


Birthday two weeks ago, thank you Little Miss wife and friends ...
I spend my time on it and I am happy with this guitar architecture.
I think it's a standard price-quality ratio, and that's what matters most to me. With the price of stuff in gnral and thin wafers, we are happy to come across products of this quality for this price (around 500).
I highly recommend this scratching anyone know what's typical of Tlcater, and want to enjoy without breaking the bank with a Amricaine not worth the extra demand in PPET ...