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ENGL E645 PowerBall Head
ENGL E645 PowerBall Head

Tube Guitar Amp Head from ENGL belonging to the Powerball series

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kinder_guano kinder_guano
Published on 12/24/05 at 03:28
Okay, my turn to add a layer on the head Engl Powerball.
- All Tube Amp 100 watts, four 12AX7 and four 6L6.

- Four channels divided into two main channels. And then it starts, I would say more it&#39;s an excellent two-channel amp complete a four-channel, when we see not only a big part of the EQ is common, but mostly there&#39;s that a gain knob for the main channel (ie two channels share the same gain ...). Been compromised: the clean and crunch channel with the same gain, you end up with a clean really clean and low gain crunch or you end up with a dirty and clean that saturates a little crunch and worthy of the name ...

Something very well, however, each of the four sub channel has a volume before the master volume (Master). It is not so easily balance its sounds.

- For the rest of the features, see the advice of EuphoricRider.

From the outset, it would be presented as a two-channel, it would make him almost 10/10. But here presented as a four-channel b&#39;en missed it ...
Sorry, I get out of a real eight-channel (Mesa TriAxis).

Last detail, the back of the head is really less slick than the front. At the front, pretty face mirror with knobs on the old diodes in all directions, including diodes under 6L6 seen behind the gate blush Engl. Too much class. Behind? an animal and especially black metal knobs (mix of the loop and noise gate) cheap home cheap (the same as those of my late 75 Bandit bought in 1987 ... we can say that it&#39;s vintage, mouaif ... ). The loop is done in parallel, and can mix the level sent to the loop with one that will have no effect (dry).


Here, however, very simple: it is one of three arguments with my purchase.

Ultra tench to find her. Limit not need the manual (in English), we play turns knob / presses the miniswitches, and on his way to the moon!


Hop, direct one of three arguments with my purchase, which returns: it sounds!
Incidentally, it blows out 100 watts (too much!) On a 4x12 V30 Engl.

- The Clean can switch between his chattering (but not more crystalline, Heiniger!) Its all a big round knob in no time (especially once the switch on the microphone neck ...). there is a narrow centipoil in my opinion, but hey, it&#39;s not a horrible JCM900! But it&#39;s not a Twin!

- The Crunch is sweet, round, creamy, very common in fact! I love that sound, with a stroke of micro chtit neck and a subtle touch of Flange (EH Electric Mistress), way too bieng!

- The Low Lead already sent wholesale. But it lacks a bit of nervousness, compression. It is best with little gain (knob like 12 hours max) for tranquillou choruses, and according to the mix and want a quick Open / Focused. In fact, it&#39;s just different frequencies of mediums are used. The Open, oddly, I find it more accurate but more behind the Focused more plump but most effective out of the mix. It seems that it also boosts the volume a bit, when used.

- As if by chance, the High Lead is my favorite! He has more compression at the outset that his buddy Low Lead. The grain is very tight, it&#39;s not a huge avalanche of low to Mesa, but it already sends enough. And there&#39;s plenty to do at winning!
The sound is aggressive or soft depending on the settings, it can be used both to go for a lil solo prog rock, or be a rhythmic grind / death metal tranquillou billou. It is super comfortable with the guy in this exercise: specific, sharp harmonics that come out easily, and enough gain, dynamics, watts and compression in the foot! Enquiller and without flinching the low tune (D, drop C, B, Drop A).
But it tends to blow, and the integrated noise gate is there to help out (cuts quite brutal, but still better than on most amps that offer a heartbreaking and reverb Lascaux-esque than this type of equipment, much more useful in my opinion).

The Mouisse is that equalo is not the most effective. Well over a Marshall, there&#39;s no photo, but it is not Boogie. Far from it. What changes are mainly the switches (bright and bottom for clean / crunch, the parametric mid Open / Focused on the lead, and the settings of the power section Presence and Depth Punch. But from the outset, the grain is here!

And last detail, Engl 100 watts, it sends as strong as Mesa. Wicked. And less progressive. In short, with a Mesa 2:90, I could have a very low volume that caused already sympathetic, a good start to the natural compression could barely turned the volume knob.
There, Engl, he must begin to put on the beret that he deigns to compress. Too bad. But at that time,

Addition of 29/03/2005:

I finally have some fun this weekend compared to the other Powerball my head makes me drool, the Mesa Dual Rectifier. Well, all this before a 12AX7 does not let on my Pball ...

The clean of Pball is far less warm than the Recto, there is more crystalline, more brilliant slam.
Not had time to test the crunch ...
The lead, ouarf not a great report: Mesa where the pass with a fatter sound, a little more serious, and a lot of gain and less, the grain really Pball sends a tighter, more incisive and accurate palm mute, where she really excels. And has an avalanche gain from the Front, I do not always leave it!
No, the more time passes, the more I find really endearing Pball in a register large metal!


1 - Ultra tench to pay, not like a big head or a MIDI rack Mesa.
2 - sounds nice, very nice grain.
3 - really cheap compared to the qualities of the beast.

Too bad, there would have been a gain per channel, a more effective EQ and compression of the power stage faster, he took a 10/10 limit the guy!

There, in the state, it&#39;s still a great amp, widely common, simple, effective, fit well with it.

Added 20/02/2005: after spending too much time without touching it, the time that the electrical installation of my new apartment &#39;is finally standards, and also time to forget my previous rig (TriAxis and 2 : 90), I finally reconnected my guitars on this amp. Rhââââââ that it feels good! I redid all my settings and nan, finally, it sounds really great, I love these sounds! Especially after spending all this time on a Pod Xt Live! Nothing to do!
In short, still taking into account all my previous remarks, still valid, this amp is and is really excellent!
Huhuhu, it also allowed me to calm the upstairs neighbor and her p * tain drill Sunday morning